Sunday, December 14, 2008

What the hey . . .

So, I'm just perusing the internet, and have nothing better to do, why not update my blog, since I'm so good at updating it! (yeah, right).

I enjoy the Christmas season. The trees, decorations, lights, general feeling of goodwill everywhere except the mall and Walmart. It's been a very good year. It started with the birth of my son, who has just learned how to walk this last week. My sister-in-law Jamie recovered from her double lung transplant and now she and her husband, my brother, moved to the Phoenix area last month. I went through a huge change at work that forced me from a job I enjoyed to one I hated, but was able to find something better. I've visited Pittsburgh for the first time, and got to visit Washington D.C. for the second time in my life. On the down side, Haily lost her job in October and is still looking for something, but we're healthy, happy, and are doing fairly well despite the lost income.

I'm glad I've taken some time to really evaluate where I am, and what I have, and how lucky I am to have my family. I know I am truly blessed.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Is there anything better in the world?

Sure, it's a couple of months old, but isn't he cute?

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Ugh. . .

As some of my reader might know, I've gone through some bad experiences over the past few months at work. It's been affecting my health, and I've been fortunate to use FMLA time to rest and recuperate. These past couple of weeks have been a bit of a wild ride for me. I found out three weeks ago that I was transferring to another department - great! I've been trying to move out from my current position all year. However, over the past month and a half, I've taken off some needed time for FMLA - not a problem, the doctor approved it and my administration office has been working with me on it. Several months ago, I scheduled last week and this week off as vacation time and did not plan on needing to reapply for FMLA time to rest. However, as I'm transferring from a union job to a non union job, it was pointed out to me that if I were to take the two weeks off as vacation, I would not be paid for it as vacation time is accrued monthly, not allotted in full at the beginning of the year (new policy that went into effect this year, of course). Fine, I cancelled my vacation, and reapplied for FMLA time. The next day, I was pulled into a manager's office and told that it looked "funny" that I applied for FMLA the same day I cancelled my vacation. Um, hello - what part of "I've got an ongoing medical situation and I had two weeks off" did they not get? Fine, I've been keeping my nose clean and working every day, up until yesterday. When I got into work today, I noticed that I've only been given three hours of FMLA time for the past week for each day I've needed to leave early - on days where I was gone more than three hours, I was listed as being sick for the remainder of the time I was gone. Okay . . . here's the deal. I've taken less time off these past two weeks than I have in the last month and a half - no one felt the need to mention to me that they were going to apply the strictest application of my allowance - I've had the same allowance for the past month and a half and no one seemed concerned about the amount of time I had taken off. Now, all of a sudden, when I've cancelled my vacation and I'm trying to live by their rules, do they change the rules on me. I can't wait to leave my present job. For the past five months, it's been nothing but soul damaging and heart breaking. I used to enjoy my job, and felt good about the work I did. I still work hard to do my job, but I'm afraid that someone has decided that it's better for the company to crush me before I can move on.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

High School Muscial - The Reunion

I recently got an invitation to my high school's 15th year reunion. I got to thinking about the cover story I could offer (if television and movies have taught me anything, I need to lie big about how my life has changed. TV can't steer me wrong, can it?).

Okay, the last time most people saw me was at our 5th year reunion - so where to start? Immediately after leaving the reunion, my car was hit by a multi-millionaire nuclear plant owner who took me in as his heir. Then I later joined the flying Elvi parachute corps. After rescuing bigfoot and the loch ness monster from some nasty legal troubles, I tried to convince George Lucas to kill off Jar Jar Binks in the most inhumane way possible. He didn't go for that, but he did like my idea of sending Howard the Duck to South America to find a lost crystal skull. I wonder whatever became of that idea . I then singlehandedly convinced the Disney board of directors to fire Michael Eisner and appoint me as supreme ruler of Disney World, but after a nasty tussle with Sea World, I had to turn in my crown. With that said, I now moonlight as the Burger King, but that's only a part time gig. What I really do now is dress up like a bat and scare the living daylights out of criminals, that cowardly and superstitious lot! At least I did, until Warner Brothers threatened to sue. I now live the mild mannered life of an airline representative caught up in the day to day struggle of prices and seat dimensions and getting Auntie Amelia from Boca Raton to Schenechdady on a non-stop flight.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Shaved Ice!

With the onset of early summer in Phoenix, it's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to cool down. Christmas of 2006, my parents gave me a shaved ice machine, designed to fill 2 snow cones at once. I've since figured out how to manipulate it to fill up a bowl and then dish it out, complete with syrup, as needed. Both Walmart and Target sell shaved ice syrup, but I've found a local water and ice store that will mix up their own concoctions for you at 10 cents an ounce. My latest finds from them have been pink bubble gum, black cherry, and dreamsicle. Mckenna has certainly enjoyed them!

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Ok, I'm an idiot. Here I encourage a visit to myspace, and forget to include the link! Click above to get there.

Learning to write again is killing me

Not really, but remembering to blog often is a tough thing for me. It's not that I don't want to write, but I find that I can't spend the time. I'm going to try better. Also, if there's nothing recent here, be sure to check out my myspace page, where I blog about as often as I do here!

What's been going on lately - check out the myspace blog for my thoughts on Iron Man and this summer's movies.

Last night Haily and I took the kids to a local park where the city was showing Raiders of the Lost Ark. I figured it would be a good chance to dive into the Indiana Jones hype machine. I'm really looking forward to the new movie. Last night's showing really reminded me of the humor and roller coaster type fun that this series offers. Thinking about it, one of my favorite Disneyland rides is the Indiana Jones Adventure - the Tokyo Disneyland version of the same ride is called Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull...hmm, maybe it's time to book a flight to Japan!

This next week is going to be interesting. Tuesday, Bryan and Jamie will be flying back from Pittsburgh into Phoenix and might stay the night. Wednesday morning, I have an appointment with my Dr., and hopefully, I'll find out what's been causing my stomach cramps - hopefully, it's not diverticulosis again. On Saturday, we may fly up to Salt Lake to meet my cousin as he comes home from his mission, and on Sunday, I get to lead the music in Primary while all of the sisters enjoy Mothers Day in Relief Society.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Tired and feeling a little flat.

Lately, my days have been long and the nights extremely short. After putting Mckenna to bed and settling down little Adrian for the night, it's about 10:30 and I can't fall asleep easily. It's been rough this week as my schedule has me up at 4:30 to be to work by 6 (I used to work this schedule, but I've been off of it for almost a month and I'm having a hard time readjusting). To complicate matters, Haily's current shift has her working until almost midnight. Last night Haily called around 11:45, concerned that one of the tires looked a little low. She said that there was air in the tire - the rims weren't in any immediate danger. She felt that she could drive home without a problem and I stayed up with her on the phone and talked with her as she made her way home. She didn't get home until close to 12:30 and we didn't get settled in until close to 1. Then, of course, my alarm goes off way too soon, and I'm back up and getting ready for work. When I went outside, I looked at the tire - it was almost completely flat! Somewhere, we ran across a screw that got stuck in the tire. I ended up late for work, but I knew we couldn't leave the tire on in that condition.

Haily was able to get the tire in to be fixed, and there isn't any damage - she said it wasn't that flat when she got home, so overnight it must have deflated. Hopefully, that's the most exciting thing that will happen this weekend, and I can look forward to a relaxing couple of days.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My family

Thanks to everyone who's been in touch with us. We're doing well. Adrian is getting bigger everyday, and so is his big sister, Mckenna - it seems like she's been going through a growth spurt of her own lately. We're still in AZ, but we are looking for ways to move to Utah in the near future.

Recently, my department was closed, and I've been moved to a department that I worked in four years ago. It's been a difficult transition, but I know how to do the job and how to do it well. I've just begun a new project outside of work that may translate into better circumstances for my family, but I'll need to wait to get more information before I can discuss it.

Legend of Link

One of my favorite series of games through the years has been "The Legend of Zelda." As kids, my brother borrowed the first two NES games from one of his friends. We were never able to get the hang of it, and life moved on. In college, I found a second hand Super Nintendo and Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past and was hooked. Half the reason I bought a Nintendo 64 was to play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I've played the Gameboy and Gameboy Color games and just recently finished The Legend of the Windwaker - there's still a couple more games out there that I need to get my hands on and I eagerly look forward to when I can try them out.

The storyline is pretty simple. The main character, Link, must collect certain mystical items and gain a sword to fight the evil Gannon and rescue the princess Zelda in most games. You can obtain certain items like bows and arrows, mirrored shields, flutes, music wands, etc. to move on in each quest. The games are not exactly sequels or prequels of each other (see the Angry Video Game Nerd's diatribe on the chronology of Zelda), but it's hard to find a Zelda game that not only improves upon it's predecessor, but also moves the genre forward. They're fun games, and I highly reccommend playing them. If the current 3/d realtime games aren't your cup of tea, I would suggest "A Link to the Past." It features a great storyline, fun mini-quests, and is just an experience that you need to check out.

Monday, January 14, 2008

More pix

Here's a few more pictures of our family.

This is our most recent "family" picture, taken a month before Adrian was born.

Here's McKenna and Adrian with Grandma Warren
And with Grandma Bratton.
And McKenna trying to be a good big sister.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Adrian Wayne Pix

Baby 2008, make way for Baby Warren

Adrian Wayne Warren was born this morning at 6:35 am in Mesa, AZ. He weighs 6 lbs, 5 oz, and is 19 inches long. We hope to have pictures up within the next 24 hours.

Also, please click on the following link to Jamie Warren's blog. She has fought cystic fibrosis her entire life, and has recently recieved the gift of two transplanted lungs.