As many of our friends and family know, Haily and I learned in May that we were to be parents again in January. Although Haily was determined that our new baby was to be a girl (and had several names picked out), we learned on August 10 that our she was going to be a he (and a new list was quickly put together).
Haily and I thought about several names, ranging from Alexander to McRea, but nothing seemed right to me. We eagerly anticipated his arrival. I started moving some furniture last month to prepare for him. Even this past Monday night we were looking at a discounted stroller/car seat combo that we found on sale at Costco.
Haily had an appointment set up on Thursday for a routine ultra-sound and exam. Both the tech and the doctor spent about 20 minutes, but were unable to find a heart beat. Haily called me at work at about 1:30, to tell me the bad news. We spent the rest of the day in shock as the weight of what happened settled on us.
My mom was already in Arizona, and Haily's mom drove from Las Vegas to be with us. Before leaving home for the surgery, we decided upon his name, Eric Collin from my name and from his Grandpa Bratton's middle name. We've been in touch with funeral homes and cemeteries and believe we have that aspect lined up. Haily went into surgery a little after 8 and Eric Collin was stillborn at 9:21 last night. He weighed one pound and measured in at 11 inches.
Adrian and McKenna are doing well. Adrian is young enough to realize Mommy is not at home, but has been happy having Grandma to play with. McKenna know's Mommy and Daddy are very sad, and that Mommy is at the hospital with the baby. We've told her that her new brother will be living with Heavenly Father and Jesus.
Haily is recovering in the hospital tonight. She has had some time with our baby. Haily's doctor and the nursing staff have been nothing but helpful through all of this, and have gone out of their way to help us with our grief. Although we are devastated by this turn of events, we are grateful to our friends and family who have sent us their thoughts, kinds words, and prayers.
Little Eric was too precious and pure for this world, and it is in our Heavenly Father's wisdom and mercy that we were selected to be his parents for this short time. We know that he is a part of our eternal family, and that we will be with him in the next life. We know that he will be resurrected at the second coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for us to return to his presence and we will be together as a family in the eternities.
R.I.P., Miss Yvonne
Actress Lynne Marie Stewart, best known as Miss Yvonne, the most beautiful
woman in Puppetland, has crossed over to the great beyond.
With her sunny sm...
12 hours ago
I am so sad for your family. I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you for the update. I had no clue. I was a friend of hers in Vegas, but we live in queen creek now. Your family is in our prayers!
cori white
Haily and Eric,
You all hold a place in our hearts at this time. Please know that we love you and are with you during your time of sorrow. Love you both!
Eric, you don't know me, but I served with Haily on our mission. My heart goes out to you both so very much. Haily, I know that we aren't very close, but please know that you are in my thoughts! I lost my first baby when I was 24 weeks pregnant with him, and I know how hard it is to be going through what you are dealing with. You are in my prayers, and please send me a message if you want to talk. I know that Heavenly Father is with you. Just remember to hold your other two children really tight when you get home, you will need them!
Diane (Haverko) McMillan
I know I keep telling you this, but I am so sad for you guys. This kind of pain is so intense it is hard to describe. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know that Heavenly Father loves you, and I know that there are things you will learn from this experience that you would never be able to learn without it. I know that doesn't help the pain right now, but some day it will.
I like the name you picked for your sweet baby boy. I know that you will have him after the Resurection and I know we will have our 3 babies then too. It gives me great comfort to know that, and to know that my babies and yours are in Heavenly Father's presense and He is taking care of them until we can. I love you guys.
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